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The Mummy's Kiss: 2nd Dynasty ( 2006)
the mummy kiss 2
Directed by Donald F. Glut
Writing credits Donald F. Glut
Mark Bedell.... Jack
Stacy Berk.... Susan
Belinda Gavin.... Dr. Zita Furneaux
Lorielle New.... Peggy
Christine Nguyen.... Elyse Lam
Cindy Pucci.... Tanya

Belinda Gavin needs women. She’s a horny professor looking for the Egyptian fountain of youth. The only way to wipe that gray out of her hair is to have sex with a lot of women and steal their soul light. She prays to a large floppy breasted goddess and her two topless twin servants to show her the way to eternal youth. They tell her it’s all about the Mummy’s Kiss. You jumpstart the mummy with a kiss and it’ll go out and pick up some hot chicks for you to soul suck. Many blondes get dragged into the museum of love while the hot Asian girl from “Ghost in a Teeny Bikini”, (Christine Nguyen), snoops around for a story.

The movie starts out with Elyse Lam(Christine Nguyen) at a museum doing a story on the Mummy. The guide tells of the mummy coming to life when his mask is removed. He removes the mask to show the story is just a myth. Two blonde's who were at the museum are shown at home having a love scene. They are both attractive in a slutty way and have nice breasts. Elyse(Nguyen) also has a scene following that where she is at home listening to her tape recorder and rubbing oil on her breasts and arms(nice short scene!). Meanwhile at the museum Dr. Zita reads the magic words to call on a goddesses who give her the power to awake the mummy with a kiss. She has the mummy bring her women and then she makes love to them. She sucks the "Kah" out of them and she becomes younger and more beautiful. They become her slaves. Elyse takes her story about the mummy to her boss Jack and he wants more. She goes to the museum after hours to get more proof. She is caught by the mummy and the women slaves and she's wrapped in mummy cloths. Dr. Zita then hypnotizes Elyse and unwraps her! She is totally nude and looking hot. They all make love to her in a nice foursome. As Dr. Zita comes to take the "Kah" out of her, the goddesses turn the mummy on her because she has gone too far. Meanwhile Jack comes into the museum to find Elyse. Dr. Zita has to give all the women back their "Kah" and Jack finds Elyse naked on a chair. They kiss and leave the museum. The mummy is put back in it's tomb and all is well.





SINCE - 2010

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